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Common Misconceptions About the ECO4 Scheme

The ECO4 is the fourth phase Energy Company Obligation (ECO) which is a government initiative in the UK aimed at helping households reduce their energy bills and carbon emissions. 

Those households who are on certain government benefits can take advantage of the ECO4 scheme to upgrade their heating system. It replaces old inefficient boilers or outdated heating systems with energy efficient boiler or heat pump technology for free.

Despite its good intentions, there are many misconceptions about the scheme. Let’s clear up some of the most common misunderstandings.

Misconception 1: The ECO4 Scheme is Only for Low-Income Households

Many people think that the ECO4 Scheme is only available for low-income households. While it’s true that the scheme aims to help those who need it most, it isn’t limited to low-income families. The ECO4 Scheme is designed to improve energy efficiency in homes across the UK, regardless of income. So, if you think you don’t qualify because you earn too much, you might want to look again.

Misconception 2: You Have to Own Your Home to Qualify

Another common misconception is that only homeowners can benefit from the ECO4 Scheme. In reality, tenants can also apply, provided they have their landlord’s permission. This means that both private renters and social housing tenants can take advantage of the scheme to make their homes more energy-efficient.

Misconception 3: It’s Only About Insulation

While insulation is a big part of the ECO4 Scheme, it’s not the only focus. The scheme also covers a range of other energy-saving measures. These include upgrading heating systems, installing renewable energy sources like solar panels, and improving windows and doors. The goal is to make homes more energy-efficient in as many ways as possible.

Misconception 4: The Application Process is Complicated

Many people are put off applying for the ECO4 Scheme because they think the process is too complicated. In truth, the application process has been simplified over the years. There are many resources and guides available to help you through it. Plus, many companies offer assistance with the application, ensuring you get the support you need.

Misconception 5: The Benefits are Minimal

Some believe that the benefits of the ECO4 Scheme are too small to bother with. However, the energy-saving improvements can lead to significant reductions in your energy bills. Over time, the savings can add up, making a noticeable difference in your household budget. Plus, you’ll be contributing to reducing carbon emissions, which is good for the environment.

Misconception 6: It’s Not Worth the Hassle

You might think that the hassle of applying and having work done on your home outweighs the benefits. But consider this: the energy efficiency improvements can increase the value of your property. Additionally, many people find the process less disruptive than they initially feared, especially with professional help.

Misconception 7: You Have to Pay Upfront

There’s a misconception that you need to pay upfront for the energy efficiency improvements covered by the ECO4 Scheme. While there might be some costs involved, many improvements are funded through the scheme itself. This means you could receive significant support without having to pay large sums of money out of pocket.

Misconception 8: Only Old Homes Qualify

Some people think that only old, poorly insulated homes can benefit from the ECO4 Scheme. In fact, homes of all ages can qualify. Whether your home is relatively new or has been around for decades, there are likely improvements that can be made to enhance its energy efficiency.

Misconception 9: It’s a Scam

There are always a few skeptics who believe that government schemes like the ECO4 Scheme are too good to be true and must be a scam. However, the ECO4 Scheme is a legitimate government initiative. To avoid falling victim to scams, make sure you work with reputable providers and verify their credentials.

Misconception 10: The Scheme Will Last Forever

Finally, some people believe that the ECO4 Scheme will be around indefinitely. While the government has committed to supporting energy efficiency, schemes can change over time. It’s a good idea to take advantage of the current scheme while it’s available, as future changes could mean different eligibility criteria or reduced benefits.


The ECO4 Scheme offers a great opportunity to improve your home’s energy efficiency and save money on your energy bills. By understanding and dispelling these common misconceptions, you can make an informed decision about whether the scheme is right for you. Don’t let misunderstandings hold you back from taking advantage of this beneficial program.